Two Things. No, Three Things
12:37 PM Tuesday, February 22, 2011 | Doug
Thing One is that part two of The Fair is now online, thus completing the… bilogy? of Episode 5. Thing Two is that part one of Episode 6: The Therewillbea2001spaceorange is also online, bringing the site's total running time up to 3:37:06.
Thing Three is that I may as well plug this short film that Nate, Zach and I made a couple months ago. It's called The Unabridged Journey to the Top of a Mountain, and it's pretty funny. It's on YouTube in two glorious parts.
There is no Thing Four, but if there were, it might be about spreading the word and telling your friends about The Theatre. You know, drumming up interest and so forth. Grassroots and whatnot. Jolly good.